A past event

Code Salon - Lee Byron and Adam Ernst

Building Real Products With Immutable Data and Declarative UI

Facebook recently transitioned iOS News Feed from mutable Core Data and procedural UIView code to an immutable (persistent) data store and declarative UI code, resulting in serious performance and reliability improvements and a dramatically smaller and simpler codebase.

Adam Ernst and Lee Byron will talk about some of the technology their team built over the last year to make this possible and will lead a discussion about where these concepts can take us next and the problems still to solve.

Adam Ernst is an iOS engineer at Facebook and tech lead of iOS News Feed. He’s also the author of iTrans and has contributed to Turntable.fm, Khan Academy, and Kiln.

Lee Byron has been a data scientist, product designer, and engineer at Facebook over the last 6 years. He’s a member of React.js core, and the author of Immutable.js.